New to Blogging...

Hello all! I was inspired by all the creative crafters & gardeners out there to begin my own blog.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Blooming Tuesday!

Just posting a couple of pics of Coconut Lime and Razmatazz Cone flowers. They are not as fast spreading as typical cone flowers, but seem to be doing well. Thanks for looking!


  1. I'm definitely drawn to the Coconut Lime. The 2 do look good together. Great shots! Jean

  2. I do love both of these - such interesting petals. I once had the chance to pick up Razmatazz, but decided against it. Now I could kick myself! In a small town it's hard to find the more unique varities.

  3. There is nothing typical about these coneflowers, the purple chairs!

  4. What fun coneflowers. I love them!
